Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year

It is 2010, and well, I can't really think or remember great worldwide accomplishments for '09, but maybe I'm just blanking (but then again I did just right a 3 paragraph report on The Princess and the Frog.) Nor, though, can I think of many mistakes. So, not a bad one, not a great one in my opinion. The cup really is at the half way mark--whether it is half empty or half full is entirely up to you. So, however, is the outcome of this year. Are we going to take a step back from our more conscious and "anti-racism" world, to become afraid of awareness? Or are we going to keep walking foreword, together, and be ready and willing to criticize and question? Or, of course, the easy way out, we could just, not do or change anything at all. I know it sounds cheesy, but every small change starts with a single person, to make something huge.
No pressure.
So Happy New Year, make sure there is actually something new about it.



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