Friday, February 18, 2011

Segregated TV

Nowadays, we have alot of TV shows--and I mean alot. But there is always something that irritates me about them. They usually are distinctly one race. House--white. Tyra Banks--black. The Office--white. Glee--white. Everybody Hates Chirs--black. And so many many more. Now I wouldn't say there are not any integrated shows, because that is not true. But when I watch a show, you can always say that there is always at least 5 people more of one race than any other. Those shows are typically "white" shows. Or a show such as "Meet the Browns" which is dominantly black. And of course that is when my friend will say "Hey....where are the white people?" Why? Because its the norm. That is what people expect. There are also shows that are hosted by a black person and in which ever guest, is going to be most likely black--(same with an SNL show being mostly white).
This is not right.
White supremency on TV is simply the proof of white privilege. However, it seems to me that when a show dominantly black (or indian, asian, etc) that they are trying to prove that they can make a race dominated show too. That they can be just as good. People, we already established that with Bill Cosby decades ago.
What I am proposing is that we need less white or black dominated shows and more INTEGRATION.
The media has spent too much time on segregated programs with one or two people of color (or white person) thrown in the mix to create the illusion that there is cultural/racial mixing. Which, obviously, there is not.
There needs to be a change. Segregated

Please leave questions or comments, I'd love to here your thoughts.